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D.A. Xiaolin Spires
D.A. Xiaolin Spires counts stars and sand, residing currently in Hawai’i. You can find her embarking on olfactorial odysseys as she inhales plumeria blossoms, poke and poi. Her work appears or is forthcoming in publications such as Clarkesworld, Analog, Nature, Terraform, Grievous Angel, Fireside, Galaxy’s Edge, Andromeda Spaceways (Year’s Best Issue), LONTAR, Reckoning, Issues in Earth Science, Liminality, Star*Line, Polu Texni, Eye to the Telescope, Gathering Storm Magazine, Story Seed Vault and anthologies of the strange and beautiful: Ride the Star Wind, Sharp and Sugar Tooth, Future Visions, Battling in Her Finery and Broad Knowledge. She can be found on her website or on Twitter: @spireswriter.

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